Fee Only Financial Planning in NJ with Angel Oak (2024)

Fee Only

Why choose a fee only planner?

As a fee only financial planning firm Angel Oak Financial Services LLC is compensated ONLY by fees paid by clients. This frees us up from inherent conflicts of interest that may arise when income is derived from commissions earned on products that are sold. Conflicts of interest are mitigated and advice is given only with the client's best interest at heart. Fees are transparent and in writing.

As a fee only planner we may limit or expand the scope of the engagement based on your particular needs. Engagements can range from discussions on a specific event or decision that is imminent, to a fully developed financial plan. Sometimes specific advice is needed on mortgage, insurance or college planning. Sometimes a full plan is needed to gain control and get a client's financial picture into focus.

Money is emotional and it is a goal of ours to provide objective advice while carefully considering the human element. We listen, we learn and we strive to balance the chemistry between money and emotion.

Fee only planning is performed on an hourly basis, with engagements typically lasting from two to fifteen hours depending on the scope of the engagement and the parameters defined by the client. All engagements are initiated by our Financial Planning Agreement which clearly defines both the client and planner's responsibilities as well as fee structure.

We believe that the financial plan is the cornerstone to achieving success in reaching a client's goals and objectives. After gathering all of our data and sharing conversations, the results are very enlightening and often provide a sense of relief in having the knowledge of where you are on your financial journey. You can't get to where you want to be without knowing where to begin.

Fee Only Planning in Bergen County

Angel Oak Financial Services LLC is based in Bergen County NJ. As lifelong residents of northern New Jersey we recognize that an area with top tier schools, services and real estate comes at a price. Let a fee only planner help you navigate your financial life.

Common Reasons to Seek Out a Fee Only Planner

  • Pension lump sum vs. annuity analysis

    Using time value of money analysis we can help determine if a lump sum payment or income stream option is best for you.

  • Selection of 401k/403b plan choices

    Using asset allocation modeling along with your tolerance for risk and time horizon, we can assist in investment choices that make sense for you.

  • Education planning

    We will assist in the planning and savings vehicle selection to help meet your education funding goals for your children or grandchildren.

  • Second opinion

    Often an objective opinion of current investments can bring clarity to a situation or problem that you may be having.

  • Risk Management

    Insurance planning requires the proper protection of your assets should unexpected events occur. We will assess to determine that the proper amount of protection is in place. As fee-only planners, we do not sell insurance products, we evaluate and guide as to those risks that a client should consider covering.

  • Social Security planning

    We will explain to you the strategies available for taking Social Security and help determine the one that is best for you. Often, Social Security is a big component of one's retirement income, and careful consideration should be given to the options available.

  • Life Event Planning

    We often never know when our life's situation may change with or without notice. Life altering events may introduce an element of financial stress to all parties involved. Very often a financial plan can ease the transition into the new financial situation that is created. Such planning can provide direction, clarity, and peace of mind.

  • Transference of wealth

    We can provide a basic estate planning review to discuss whether your wishes are being met as to the transference of wealth from generation to generation. If needed, we will provide referrals to an estate planning attorney for the creation of your estate planning documents.

  • Retirement planning

    Retirement is probably the most concerning topic to clients. Can I retire? Have I saved enough? How much longer do I need to work? We will help you answer all of these questions in a clear and objective way in language you can understand. We plan for upcoming retirements and those that are in retirement to develop strategies to help you maintain your lifestyle and provide peace of mind.

  • Making a plan

    Fee-Only Financial Planning is about making a plan and trying to meet a client's said goals an objectives. There is no "one solution" that is best for all and all plans are geared toward finding the solution that makes the most sense for you. Please refer to our schedule of fees or contact us for a copy or our financial planning agreement for more details.

Fee Only Financial Planning in NJ with Angel Oak (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.