How Can I Get Disney Plus to Play in Fullscreen on My Ultrawide Monitor | (2024)


Ultrawide monitors have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their immersive viewing experience. These monitors, with their wider aspect ratio, provide users with a broader field of vision and enhanced visual clarity. However, one common challenge that ultrawide monitor users face is the compatibility of certain streaming platforms, such as Disney Plus, with their display settings.

When streaming content on Disney Plus, users may encounter black bars on the sides of their ultrawide monitors, preventing them from enjoying their favorite movies and shows in fullscreen. This can be frustrating and diminish the overall viewing experience. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this aspect ratio limitation and ensure that Disney Plus plays in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor.

In this article, we will guide you through several steps to help you achieve a fullscreen experience when streaming Disney Plus on your ultrawide monitor. From adjusting display settings to utilizing extensions and add-ons, we will explore different methods to optimize your viewing experience. Whether you are a movie enthusiast or a binge-watcher, these solutions will enable you to make the most out of your ultrawide monitor while enjoying the vast library of content on Disney Plus.

Understanding Ultrawide Monitors

Ultrawide monitors provide users with an expansive display that stretches horizontally, offering a wider aspect ratio than traditional monitors. They typically have an aspect ratio of 21:9, compared to the standard 16:9 aspect ratio found in most monitors and televisions. This wider aspect ratio allows for a more immersive viewing experience by filling your field of vision and providing a broader workspace.

Ultrawide monitors are particularly popular among gamers, content creators, and professionals who require a larger screen real estate for multitasking and enhancing productivity. With their wider field of view, these monitors deliver stunning visuals and allow users to see more content on the screen at once.

Ultrawide monitors come in various sizes, typically ranging from 29 inches to 49 inches diagonally. The larger screen size combined with the wider aspect ratio offers a cinematic experience, making them particularly suitable for watching movies, TV shows, and streaming content.

Additionally, ultrawide monitors offer enhanced multitasking capabilities. The extra horizontal space allows users to split the screen into multiple windows or applications, making it easier to work on multiple projects simultaneously without the need for an additional monitor. This feature is especially beneficial for professionals in fields such as graphic design, video editing, and financial analysis.

It’s worth noting that not all content is optimized for ultrawide monitors. Since the majority of videos and movies are produced with the standard 16:9 aspect ratio in mind, watching them on an ultrawide monitor may result in black bars appearing on the sides of the screen, known as letterboxing. This can reduce the immersive experience and limit the utilization of the wider display.

Fortunately, with a few adjustments and optimizations, you can overcome these limitations and enjoy a fullscreen experience on your ultrawide monitor. In the following sections, we will explore the steps required to get Disney Plus to play in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor, allowing you to make the most of your expansive display and immerse yourself in your favorite movies and shows.

Challenging the Aspect Ratio Limitations

While ultrawide monitors offer a wide and immersive viewing experience, the aspect ratio limitations can pose a challenge when streaming content from platforms like Disney Plus. The standard 16:9 aspect ratio of most videos and movies may result in black bars on the sides of the screen, hindering the fullscreen experience. However, there are several methods you can employ to overcome these limitations and enjoy Disney Plus in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor.

One approach is to adjust the display settings on your operating system. For Windows users, you can navigate to the display settings and modify the resolution to a 21:9 aspect ratio that matches the native resolution of your ultrawide monitor. This ensures that the content is displayed in fullscreen without any letterboxing. Additionally, you can experiment with other display settings, such as scaling and aspect ratio correction, to further optimize the viewing experience.

Another solution involves customizing your internet browser to play Disney Plus in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor. Most browsers provide options to zoom in or customize the zoom level of web pages. By adjusting these settings, you can fill the screen and eliminate the black bars when streaming content on Disney Plus. Additionally, some browsers offer extensions and add-ons specifically designed for ultrawide monitors, which automatically adjust the aspect ratio of streaming platforms to fit the wider display.

Utilizing extensions and add-ons can greatly enhance your fullscreen experience on Disney Plus. These tools can modify the aspect ratio of the video player embedded on the website and ensure that the content fills the entire screen of your ultrawide monitor. Extensions such as UltraWide Video and Ultrawide Display Enabler are popular options that allow you to enjoy your favorite movies and shows without any letterboxing.

Some video players also offer settings or plugins that allow you to manually adjust the aspect ratio. Whether you are using the default video player on Disney Plus or opting for third-party players, explore the settings and options available to customize the aspect ratio and fill your ultrawide monitor with fullscreen content. This ensures an immersive and engaging experience without the distraction of black bars.

If the above methods do not provide the desired results, you can consider alternative streaming options that are optimized for ultrawide monitors. Certain streaming platforms, such as Netflix, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video, offer native support for ultrawide monitors, allowing you to watch content in fullscreen without any aspect ratio limitations. Exploring these platforms may be a viable solution if Disney Plus does not fully support ultrawide displays.

In the next sections, we will delve deeper into each of these techniques, providing step-by-step instructions and recommendations to help you get Disney Plus to play in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor.

Step 1: Adjusting Display Settings on Windows

Windows provides built-in options to adjust display settings, allowing you to customize the aspect ratio on your ultrawide monitor and eliminate the black bars when streaming Disney Plus. By following these steps, you can optimize your fullscreen experience and make the most out of your ultrawide display:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “Display settings” from the context menu.
  2. In the Display settings window, scroll down to the “Resolution” section and click on the drop-down menu. Choose a resolution that matches the native aspect ratio of your ultrawide monitor. Typically, this will be a 21:9 aspect ratio resolution.
  3. Apply the changes and close the Display settings window.
  4. Open Disney Plus in your web browser and start streaming a movie or show.
  5. You should now see the content displayed in fullscreen without any black bars on the sides, utilizing the entire width of your ultrawide monitor.

Additionally, you can experiment with other display settings to further optimize your viewing experience. In the Display settings window, you can adjust the scaling settings to ensure that the content is displayed in the correct size and proportion on your display. You may also find options like “Aspect ratio correction” or “Maintain aspect ratio” that can help you eliminate any distortion caused by stretching or resizing the content to fit the ultrawide display.

It is important to note that modifying display settings can affect the appearance of other applications and interfaces on your computer. If you encounter any issues or find that the changes have negatively impacted other programs, you can revert the display settings back to their original values or experiment with different resolutions and scaling options until you achieve an optimal balance between fullscreen content and overall usability on your ultrawide monitor.

Now that you have adjusted the display settings on your Windows operating system, you can enjoy Disney Plus in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor without any aspect ratio limitations.

Step 2: Customizing Your Browser

Customizing your internet browser settings can be another effective way to ensure that Disney Plus plays in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor. By making a few adjustments, you can maximize the screen real estate and eliminate the black bars that may appear when streaming content. Follow these steps to customize your browser:

  1. Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).
  2. Open the Disney Plus website and sign in to your account.
  3. Once you are on the Disney Plus homepage, click on the zoom settings icon located in the browser’s toolbar.
  4. Adjust the zoom level to your preference. Zooming in will effectively fill the screen and remove the black bars on the sides. You can experiment with different zoom levels until you find the one that provides the best fullscreen experience on your ultrawide monitor.

Please note that customizing the zoom level may affect the appearance of other websites and web applications. If you encounter any issues or find that the changes negatively impact the usability of other websites, you can easily revert the zoom level back to its default setting.

It is important to remember that customizing the zoom level is specific to each website. So, if you prefer to change the zoom level only for Disney Plus, make sure you adjust the settings when streaming content on the platform. This way, the changes will not affect other websites that you visit.

In addition to zoom settings, some browsers offer extensions and add-ons that are specifically designed for ultrawide monitors. These extensions can automatically adjust the aspect ratio of streaming platforms like Disney Plus to match the wider display, ensuring that the content fills the entire screen. Examples of such extensions include UltraWide Video for Google Chrome and Ultrawide Display Enabler for Mozilla Firefox. Installing and enabling these extensions can streamline the fullscreen experience and eliminate the need to manually adjust settings every time you visit Disney Plus.

By customizing your browser’s settings, including adjusting the zoom level and utilizing dedicated extensions, you can enjoy a true fullscreen experience when streaming Disney Plus on your ultrawide monitor. The black bars will be a thing of the past, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the content.

Step 3: Extensions and Add-ons for Fullscreen Experience

Extensions and add-ons specifically designed for ultrawide monitors can greatly enhance your fullscreen experience when streaming Disney Plus. These tools can automatically adjust the aspect ratio of the video player embedded on the website, ensuring that the content fills the entire screen of your ultrawide monitor. Here are the steps to install and use these extensions:

  1. Open your web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).
  2. In the browser’s search bar, type in the name of the extension you want to install (e.g., UltraWide Video, Ultrawide Display Enabler).
  3. Navigate to the official website or the extension’s page in the browser’s web store.
  4. Click on the “Add to Chrome” or “Add to Firefox” button to install the extension.
  5. Once the installation is complete, you will usually see the extension’s icon in the browser’s toolbar.
  6. Open the Disney Plus website and sign in to your account.
  7. Start streaming a movie or show on Disney Plus.
  8. Depending on the extension you installed, it may automatically adjust the aspect ratio of the video player to fill your ultrawide monitor’s screen. You should now experience a true fullscreen experience without any black bars.

Extensions and add-ons like UltraWide Video for Google Chrome and Ultrawide Display Enabler for Mozilla Firefox are designed specifically for ultrawide monitor users. They override the default aspect ratio settings of streaming platforms, including Disney Plus, to ensure that the content fills the entire width of your ultrawide display. These extensions typically provide options to customize the aspect ratio or enable automatic adjustments based on your monitor’s dimensions.

By utilizing these extensions, you can streamline the process of achieving fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor. The extension will handle the aspect ratio correction, allowing you to enjoy Disney Plus without the hassle of manually adjusting settings each time you stream content.

Please note that the availability of extensions may vary depending on your browser and the specific version you are using. Additionally, it is recommended to only install extensions from trusted sources to ensure the security and performance of your browser.

With the help of these extensions and add-ons, you can optimize your fullscreen experience on Disney Plus and fully utilize the wider aspect ratio of your ultrawide monitor.

Step 4: Optimizing Video Players

Optimizing the settings of your video player can further enhance the fullscreen experience when streaming Disney Plus on your ultrawide monitor. Whether you are using the default video player on the Disney Plus website or opting for third-party players, there are certain settings and options you can adjust to ensure the content fills the entire screen. Follow these steps to optimize the video player:

  1. Open the Disney Plus website in your web browser and sign in to your account.
  2. Select a movie or show that you want to stream.
  3. Once the video player loads, look for settings or options related to aspect ratio or fullscreen playback.
  4. Explore the available options to manually adjust the aspect ratio or customize the fullscreen experience.
  5. Try different settings to see which one eliminates the black bars and fills your ultrawide monitor with fullscreen content.
  6. Save the changes or set the preferred settings as the default for future playback.

The specific options and settings available in the video player may vary depending on the platform and the player being used. Some players provide aspect ratio adjustment sliders that allow you to manually resize and fit the content to your ultrawide display. Others may have predefined display modes, such as “Fit to Screen” or “Stretch to Fit,” which can automatically adjust the aspect ratio for fullscreen playback.

If you prefer using third-party video players, there are numerous options available that offer advanced customization and aspect ratio control. Players like VLC Media Player, MPC-HC, and PotPlayer allow you to adjust the aspect ratio and zoom level to match the width of your ultrawide monitor, ensuring a seamless fullscreen experience with Disney Plus.

It’s important to note that while optimizing the video player settings can enhance the fullscreen experience, it may not always completely eliminate black bars or distorted content. This can be due to the aspect ratio limitations of the streaming platform or the specific video being played. In such cases, other methods like adjusting display settings or using extensions may be necessary to achieve a true fullscreen experience.

By experimenting with the settings and options in the video player, you can find the configuration that best suits your preferences for fullscreen playback on your ultrawide monitor when streaming Disney Plus.

Step 5: Alternate Streaming Options for Ultrawide Monitors

If you’re still facing challenges in getting Disney Plus to play in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor despite trying various methods, it may be worth considering alternate streaming options that are optimized for ultrawide displays. While Disney Plus might not fully support ultrawide monitors, there are other streaming platforms that offer native compatibility, allowing you to enjoy content without any aspect ratio limitations. Here are some alternatives to explore:

1. Netflix: Netflix offers native support for ultrawide monitors, ensuring that the content fills the entire screen without black bars. You can enjoy a wide array of movies, TV shows, and original series in fullscreen on your ultrawide display.

2. HBO Max: HBO Max also provides native ultrawide monitor support, allowing you to enjoy their extensive library of movies, documentaries, and exclusive series in fullscreen without any aspect ratio limitations.

3. Amazon Prime Video: Amazon Prime Video offers ultrawide monitor compatibility, giving you access to a vast selection of movies and TV shows that can be enjoyed in fullscreen on your ultrawide display.

By exploring these alternative streaming platforms, you can take advantage of their native support for ultrawide monitors and enjoy a true fullscreen experience without the need for additional adjustments or modifications.

However, it’s important to note that content availability across different streaming platforms may vary. If your main focus is on specifically accessing Disney content, you may need to continue using Disney Plus while utilizing the methods outlined in the previous steps to improve the fullscreen experience on your ultrawide monitor.

Remember to check for updates and announcements from Disney about potential enhancements or changes in their support for ultrawide monitors. As streaming platforms evolve and adapt to user feedback, there’s a possibility that Disney Plus might introduce native ultrawide monitor compatibility in the future.

By exploring alternate streaming options and utilizing the methods from earlier steps, you can optimize your fullscreen experience on an ultrawide monitor when enjoying your favorite movies, TV shows, and streaming content.


Getting Disney Plus to play in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor may initially pose some challenges due to aspect ratio limitations. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can overcome these limitations and achieve a true fullscreen experience. Whether it’s adjusting the display settings on your operating system, customizing your browser, utilizing extensions and add-ons, optimizing video player settings, or exploring alternate streaming options, there are several methods you can employ to make the most of your ultrawide monitor when streaming Disney Plus.

Understanding the capabilities and limitations of your ultrawide monitor is crucial for achieving the desired fullscreen experience. These monitors, with their wider aspect ratio, offer an immersive viewing experience and enhanced productivity for various tasks. However, due to the majority of content being produced with a standard 16:9 aspect ratio, black bars may appear when streaming on ultrawide monitors.

By adjusting display settings on Windows, customizing your internet browser, installing relevant extensions and add-ons, optimizing video player settings, and exploring alternate streaming platforms, you can optimize your fullscreen experience when watching movies and shows on Disney Plus.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these methods may vary depending on your specific hardware and software configuration. Experiment with different approaches and find the combination that works best for your setup.

As technology continues to evolve, it’s possible that future updates and enhancements may bring native ultrawide monitor support to Disney Plus. Keep an eye out for any announcements or updates from Disney regarding ultrawide monitor compatibility.

In the end, with the steps outlined in this article, you can overcome the aspect ratio limitations and enjoy Disney Plus in fullscreen on your ultrawide monitor, immersing yourself fully in the captivating content available on the platform.

How Can I Get Disney Plus to Play in Fullscreen on My Ultrawide Monitor | (2024)
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