Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (2024)

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This virgin cosmo mocktail recipe will have you ordering cosNOpolitans at every bar!

Are you looking for a delicious mocktail recipe that tastes just like the classic cosmopolitan co*cktail? Look no further!

I’m a bartender, and this was once my favorite alcoholic drink. But now I’ve perfected a virgin version of it that’s just as flavorful – without the alcohol.

This easy-to-follow recipe is sure to become one of your favorites too!

So let’s get started on making this tasty mocktail!

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (1)

What is a cosmo drink made of?

An alcoholic cosmopolitan is a classic co*cktail made with vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, and freshly squeezed lime juice.

This drink has a sweet yet tart flavor that makes it perfect for sipping on its own or as part of a larger drinks menu.

The combination of different liquors and juices creates an interesting balance between the sweetness from the triple sec and the tartness from the cranberry juice and lime.

A classic Cosmopolitan can be garnished with a slice of lime or even some fresh herbs for added flavor complexity.

It was first popularized during the Gay Rights movement but is now a drink that can be enjoyed in almost every bar.

Whether you are looking to refresh yourself after work or enjoy something special during happy hour, this delicious beverage will surely hit the spot!

I used to love ordering these with my mom when we’d travel together. It made me feel classy – like someone out of Sex and the City.

But since I stopped drinking, I could no longer enjoy the bright pink drink in a martini glass. And drinking juice out of a martini glass just doesn’t hit the same.

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (2)

What flavor is a cosmo?

A cosmopolitan co*cktail is a refreshing blend of sweet and sour flavors that tantalize the taste buds. The combination of tart citrus and sugary syrup creates an intense yet balanced flavor profile that’s perfect for any occasion.

Its light pink hue further enhances its appeal, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enjoy a unique, sophisticated drink.

With just the right amount of sweetness and acidity, this classic beverage is sure to please all who indulge in it!

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (3)

Does a cosmo have a lot of alcohol?

The traditional cosmopolitan co*cktail is a delicious and refreshing drink that has become increasingly popular over the years.

It consists of vodka, orange liqueur (triple sec), cranberry juice, and freshly squeezed lime juice.

While there are many recipes for making this classic drink at home with varying levels of alcohol content depending on the ingredients used, traditionally it contains somewhere around 25% ABV (alcohol by volume).

It’s known for packing a punch without tasting like it’s very alcoholic – which makes it very dangerous for new drinkers. I once knocked back three in a night without thinking and paid for it dearly with my first hangover the next day.

The alcoholic spirits definitely take you by surprise in this co*cktail!

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (4)

Virgin Cosmopolitan Mocktail Ingredients

1/2 Cup Coconut Water: Coconut water is a naturally hydrating and refreshing beverage that adds a subtle, sweet flavor to this mocktail. It also provides electrolytes, vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health. This replaces the vodka in an alcoholic cosmopolitan co*cktail.

1/8 Cup Orange Juice: This bright and tart addition helps bring out the tropical flavors in the mocktail. It also contains Vitamin C, which helps support the immune system. This replaces the orange liqueur in the alcoholic recipe.

1/8 Cup Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice is a common ingredient in many mocktails. It adds a tart flavor to the drink, as well as vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants.

1 Tbsp Lime Juice: Lime juice adds a bright, citrusy flavor to any mocktail. It also contains Vitamin C and other essential nutrients like calcium and magnesium. (Fresh lime juice is preferred. Juice the lime ahead of time and store it in a mason jar to use for various mocktail recipes.)

1 Tbsp Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is a popular mocktail ingredient that adds a tart flavor. It also provides Vitamin C and other essential minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Ice: To chill the glass and the ingredients.

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (5)

Optional Garnishes

To garnish this virgin cosmopolitan mocktail recipe, you have a few options:

  • Frozen cranberries on a skewer
  • Lime wheel, peel, or wedge
  • Orange wheel
  • Sugar the rim
  • Orange peel
  • Mint leaf

All of these options will elevate your virgin cosmo glass!

Best Glass for a Cosmo Mocktail

When it comes to making a delicious and refreshing virgin cosmopolitan mocktail, the glass you choose is just as important as the ingredients.

The ideal glass for this recipe is an 8-10 ounce martini or coupe glass.

This type of glass will provide enough room for all your ingredients while also allowing plenty of ice and garnish to be added without spilling over.

Furthermore, its classic shape gives any drink an elegant presentation that will leave everyone in awe!

With a good quality martini or coupe glass, you can make sure your virgin cosmopolitan mocktail looks as fabulous as it tastes!

I’ve also used a rocks glass in a pinch, or a gimlet glass for 20s themed party with these cranberry cosmo mocktails.

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (6)

How to Chill a Glass

Chilling a martini glass is an essential step to making the perfect drink.

It ensures that both the drink and the glass are cold when served, creating a refreshingly crisp experience.

To properly chill your martini glasses, you should place them in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before serving your drinks.

Alternatively, you can fill each glass with ice cubes and water for about 10 minutes or until they become sufficiently chilled.

Either way, make sure to dry any condensation from the outside of each glass before pouring in your co*cktail!

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (7)

Shaking Your Cosmo Mocktail

Making a non-alcoholic cosmopolitan is easy with the right tools.

The most important tool you need is a co*cktail shaker, which helps mix and chill your ingredients to create the perfect mocktail.

To make a delicious cosmopolitan, start by filling your shaker halfway with ice cubes and adding in 1/2 cup of coconut water, 1/8 cup of orange juice, 1/8 cup of cranberry juice, 1 tbsp lime juice, 1 tbsp lemon juice, and 1 cup of ice.

Cover the top tightly and shake vigorously for 15 seconds until all ingredients are well blended.

Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with an orange slice to serve!

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (8)

Cosmo Mocktail

Nina – Mocktail Mixologist

A virgin cosmopolitan co*cktail – or a cosNOpolitan mocktail.

Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 5 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Servings 1 Glass


  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Water
  • 1/8 Cup Orange Juice
  • 1/8 Cup Cranberry Juice
  • 1 Tbsp Lime Juice
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • Ice


  • Mix all ingredients in a co*cktail shaker with ice and shake until cold. Strain and pour in a martini glass.

    1/2 Cup Coconut Water, 1/8 Cup Orange Juice, 1/8 Cup Cranberry Juice, 1 Tbsp Lime Juice, 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice, Ice

Looking for more mocktail recipes to try?

Virgin Cosmo Mocktail Recipe: Non-Alcoholic + Healthy! (2024)


What do you replace alcohol with in mocktails? ›

There are several high-quality non-alcoholic spirits, wines, and beers available on the market today. A skilled mocktail mixologist can even mimic the taste and mouthfeel of certain liquors with the right ingredients, like botanical-infused waters in place of gin and strongly brewed barley tea to replace whiskey.

What is non-alcoholic mocktail? ›

Mocktails are non-alcoholic mixed drinks meant to replicate the presentation and complexity of craft co*cktails, just without the alcohol. To make mocktails, bartenders mix combinations of sodas, juices, herbs, and syrups to create unique flavors.

What is the most unhealthy non-alcoholic drink? ›

Non-Alcoholic Beverages Ranked Worst to Best
  • Soda, Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks. All of these options tend to be laden with sugar and are often acidic. ...
  • Juice. While juice is often touted as healthy, the reality is that it actually isn't a great option. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Seltzer. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Milk. ...
  • Water.

What are the top 3 healthiest drinks? ›

Water is the best choice for quenching your thirst. Coffee and tea, without added sweeteners, are healthy choices, too. Some beverages should be limited or consumed in moderation, including fruit juice, milk, and those made with low-calorie sweeteners, like diet drinks.

Are mocktails healthier than alcohol? ›

Is a non-alcoholic drink healthier? In short, yes. Mag Ayyad, an exercise dietitian at Houston Methodist, says that taking alcohol out of any beverage is the biggest benefit of a mocktail. "Any alcohol going into our system is essentially a toxic substance," he says.

What is a substitute for virgin alcohol? ›

It's also known as a mocktail. Often, when making mocktails and virgin drinks, one will replace the alcohol with a flavored mixer like ginger ale, ginger beer, or tonic water. This creates a similar flavor to the original, without having to add any alcohol.

What can I replace alcohol with to relax? ›

Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives to alcohol to relax that won't pose long-term risks.
  • Take Magnesium. ...
  • Drink Tea. ...
  • Try Meditation. ...
  • Exercise. ...
  • Spend Time With Loved Ones. ...
  • Spend Time Outdoors. ...
  • Consider Non-Alcoholic Alternatives.
Apr 14, 2023

What is 1 most popular non-alcoholic drink? ›

Water is, by far, the most consumed non-alcoholic beverage in the world.

What gives you a buzz like alcohol? ›

In conclusion, there are plenty of alcohol substitutes that can provide a buzz, without the negative effects of alcohol! CBD-infused beverages, THC drinks, kava drinks, and Adaptogen-containing beverages are options for those looking to avoid alcohol.

What is the healthiest non-alcoholic drink in a pub? ›

Tonic and a slice of lime, low sugar ones exist too. Someone else said soda and lime, that's sometimes with a cordial but I recommend it too 'cause it's not too sugary and you can ask for less. Some places do have the alcohol free spirits, depends where you are.

What is the most famous mocktail? ›

What is the most popular non-alcoholic drink? The most popular mocktail right now is a Shirley Temple. Add cherries to it for a pretty garnish.

What is the difference between a mocktail and a virgin drink? ›

What's the difference between a mocktail and a virgin drink? They are the same thing! There are many different names for a non-alcoholic drinks, like mock co*cktails, virgin co*cktails, boneless co*cktails, and plenty of others. They are all beverages that do not contain alcohol.

What is the difference between a mocktail and a virgin co*cktail? ›

A significant difference between a co*cktail and a mocktail is the ingredients used in making the drink. co*cktails are made with spirits, while mocktails are non-alcoholic and only contain mixers and flavoring ingredients. co*cktails can be made with various spirits, like vodka, gin, rum, or whiskey.

Can mocktails be healthy? ›

Is a non-alcoholic drink healthier? In short, yes. Mag Ayyad, an exercise dietitian at Houston Methodist, says that taking alcohol out of any beverage is the biggest benefit of a mocktail. "Any alcohol going into our system is essentially a toxic substance," he says.

What is the healthiest drink option? ›

Tea is one of the most soothing and good-for-you beverages you can drink—it's calorie-free and filled with flavonoids, which help keep your heart healthy. Two of the best to try: Green tea is a great choice for its vitality benefits and may even aid in blood sugar regulation and metabolic health,” says Davis.

Are mocktails good for you? ›

Mocktails can be a healthier option because they eliminate the empty calories found in alcohol, are more hydrating and are safe for everyone including those with certain medical conditions who cannot drink any alcohol. To make a healthy mocktail, Nussbaum recommends avoiding sugary soda and pre-made co*cktail mixes.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.